My apologies! It has been awhile since I last updated the blog.
Chai will be ONE year old on November 16. In the past seven months that he has been with us, he has grown and changed SO much! He is currently 30" tall (measured from his shoulder to his toes) & 90 lbs! YIKES. Great Pyrenees grow in height and width up until their third birthday. While he is already much larger than his father, his great uncles were 32" tall & 130 lbs. We have been told he will max out at around 115 lbs and probably stop growing in height. BIG big boy!
Good 'ol Fashion Cuddle Time |
Halloween 2011 |
We missed the sign up day for the dog show this weekend in Pueblo, NM. It's probably a good thing though since it's 3 hours away! Some people take this dog show stuff a little too far! We will, however, be going to the specialty shows in February. Apparently it is 5 days of non-stop grooming, fluffing & running the rink. Chai will most likely be there atleast 3 of the days with a handler or the breeder, if he can handle all the excitement. We have decided if we don't get any points that weekend we are probably done :0) It's a little too discouraging to put that much time and effort into grooming, training, drive time, fluff time, and rink time just to get second place (which gets ZERO points).
Other than showing him, we will be moving (very shortly) to a new place with a yard! Chai & Star will have lots of room to romp around. Not to mention, Mom & Dad will be out of the house less dealing with the commute!