Sunday, July 31

Mile High Great Pyrenees Annual Fun Match

We attended the Mile High Great Pyrenees Annual Fun Match in conjunction with the Evergreen Kennel Club All Breed Match and had a ton of fun! We learned a lot too as it was our first match to be handling dogs. Matt handled Chai or Charles, as we call him in the ring, and I handled Nubikins, the breeder's dog, Chai's littermate.

Chai took Best in Sanctioned Match and Nubi took Best Opposite Sex in Match.  It was a successful day! Too bad they don't count as points toward his champion!

The most fun part of the day was watching Freddy, the 5 week old Pyrenees, and Lacey, the 6 week old Bearded Collie, play together.  Freddy is the only child so this was his first time meeting his match.  Lacey definitely showed him who's boss!

The little kid doesn't shut his mouth! Lol :0)
Our Awards!

Friday, July 29

5 Week Old Pyrenees Puppy

We figured it out! A 5-week old Pyrenees puppy is about the same size as our chihuahua, Miss Starlet-- EIGHT whopping pounds.  The breeder changed his name from Ice Man to Shaman to Fast Freddy, which now seems to be a worthy name. This little man GET AROUND! And apparently he's the worst troublemaker she's had in her 30 years.  Fun stuff!

Big Boy!

Freddy teasing Nubikins 

Freddy love his fan!

Friday, July 1

8-day old Great Pyrenees Puppy

OMG! Got to hold the cutest little 8-day old Great Pyrenees puppy the other day. He is the only puppy in the litter and was born about 4 days early! He won't open his eyes for another week at the very least. The breeder is calling him "Fire & Ice" or "Ice Man" at the moment, but since he's so young that's apt to change.  Heck! Chai was first named "Trouble" we later found out..... now it's his middle name!

Ice is VERY strong already for his size. He crawled all they way up my chest in search of a nipple with some milk! I literally had to squeeze him to get him to stay still.  The breeder squeezed the wrong section of his little body while he was on my lap; I was lucky to discover he has diarrhea! NICE. Typical newborn, I suppose.

Check out his belly!!